About us

Who are we

We are an anti-poverty charity, part of an international Christian volunteer network dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. We offer practical assistance such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education to those in need.

We are a network of volunteer members from all over the world, present in England, Cameroon, Belgium, France, and Germany. With its head office in England, we are motivated and bound by faith.

Wherever we are, we seek out vulnerable or isolated individuals and offer them not just practical support, but also the warmth of friendship. Our work is defined by person-to-person contact, and the time we spend with people is our most precious gift.  

We extend our hand with joy and enthusiasm, ready to provide care and personal service to individuals and families in need of support. Our commitment is unwavering, and our energy is infectious.

Our broader objectives, among others, are:

Our Vision

Our vision is to inspire young people through the transformational experience of volunteering.  Your role in creating a life-changing, safe and supportive environment is not just crucial. It’s indispensable. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, makes this environment possible, helping young people grow positively and making a significant impact on their lives.  

Presently, we are more active in Cameroon, where we bring into our care children from the street who were rejected by their families, maybe because of local superstitions and accusing these youngsters of being involved in witchcraft and so on. Some were drug addicts with nowhere to go, and some of our young people came from less privileged backgrounds. We offer them a range of services including training, boot camps, and rehabilitation. We also sponsor their education, thanks to the support of our faithful partner, Saint Benoit Monastery in Cameroon, and kind individuals worldwide.

We need your help to continue offering these services and more. These young people require sponsorship to further their education and for some to set up small businesses or any other activities that will help them stand on their two feet when facing adulthood.

We aim to be all over England and Wales and we need you. Your involvement is crucial. Children, young people, and young adults are taking up the invitation to join the St Benedict family and turning their concerns into hugely crucial contributions to the more significant work of the St Benedict the Thaumaturge Charity.

Our Mission

Saint Benedict the Thaumaturge Wirral Community

We provide a welcoming environment where confidence, skills and well-being can be nurtured in people. The centre offers a safe environment for people to be loved and accepted. 

Where friendships can flourish, encouraging one another so that they can do well in life and reach their full potential, the theme is to offer respect, encouragement, and compassion to disenfranchised people.

  Phone: 07540419209

  Email: info@stbenedictthethaumaturgecharity.org.uk

  Address: Wallasey CH45 5DR

St Benedict The Thaumaturge Buddies is a program where we support those in need in our local community. We provide a range of services, from offering a space for people to connect to helping individuals with their shopping and medicine collections. We support those in need in our local community, from providing the space to connect to helping people with their shopping and medicine collections.

We are a community group run by members and local volunteers. We aim to respond to identified needs in our community to relieve social isolation and food and financial poverty.

Involving Young People

Our vision is to inspire young people through the transformational experience of volunteering.  Your role in creating a life-changing, safe and supportive environment is not just crucial. It’s indispensable. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, makes this environment possible, helping young people grow positively and making a significant impact on their lives.  

Presently, we are more active in Cameroon, where we bring into our care children from the street who were rejected by their families, maybe because of local superstitions and accusing these youngsters of being involved in witchcraft and so on. Some were drug addicts with nowhere to go, and some of our young people came from less privileged backgrounds. We offer them a range of services including training, boot camps, and rehabilitation. We also sponsor their education, thanks to the support of our faithful partner, Saint Benoit Monastery in Cameroon, and kind individuals worldwide.

We need your help to continue offering these services and more. These young people require sponsorship to further their education and for some to set up small businesses or any other activities that will help them stand on their two feet when facing adulthood.

We aim to be all over England and Wales and we need you. Your involvement is crucial. Children, young people, and young adults are taking up the invitation to join the St Benedict family and turning their concerns into hugely crucial contributions to the more significant work of the St Benedict the Thaumaturge Charity.

Water project in Africa

Water, the essence of life, is alarmingly scarce in Africa. Despite our best efforts, the depth of this crisis remains largely unexplored.

Our mission is to drill at least two wells annually in the most remote corners of Africa. To achieve this, we need the expertise of engineers who share our passion for this cause. If you’re ready to join us on this journey, we’d love to hear from you.

Rainwater harvesting: Collecting rainwater is an effective way to obtain fresh water in rural areas, particularly during the rainy season. Rainwater will be collected from roofs and stored in the HH 10-litre water.

Rainwater harvesting in rural areas is not just a solution, but a gateway to a better life. It offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly enhance the quality of life for local communities and promote environmental sustainability.

Community empowerment: Implementing rainwater harvesting systems in rural areas can lead to greater community self-sufficiency and resilience, empowering local people to take control of their water resources and fostering a greater sense of ownership and responsibility for water management.

Improved water availability: For the population living in rural areas, access to clean water can be limited. In Cameroon, the north of the country is dryer. Rainwater harvesting systems can provide a reliable water source for drinking, irrigation, and other purposes, which can be especially beneficial during water scarcity or drought.

Water conservation: Rainwater harvesting helps conserve water resources by capturing and storing rainwater for later use. This reduces the dependency on surface and groundwater sources, allowing them to replenish more effectively.

Cost savings: By capturing and storing rainwater, communities can reduce their dependence on external water supplies, which can be expensive to source and transport. This can lead to significant cost savings for both households and local governments.

Sustainable agriculture: Rainwater harvesting can provide much-needed water for agricultural activities and allow farmers to maintain their crops even during dry spells.

Improved groundwater recharge: By capturing and infiltrating rainwater into the ground, rainwater harvesting systems can help recharge local aquifers and maintain groundwater levels, which is vital for rural communities that rely on well water.

Reduced soil erosion and flooding: Rainwater harvesting systems can help manage stormwater runoff, preventing soil erosion and reducing the risk of flooding in rural areas.

Environmental benefits: Rainwater harvesting systems can reduce the impact of human activities on local ecosystems by reducing the extraction of water from rivers, lakes, and aquifers, allowing these resources to support local wildlife and plant life better.

Climate change adaptation: As climate change leads to more erratic rainfall patterns, rainwater harvesting can provide an adaptive strategy for communities, helping them to be more resilient in changing weather conditions.

Education for all

Education is a transformative force, not just fostering economic development and individual empowerment, but also paving the way for societal progress. It’s the key to a brighter, more prosperous future for all.

At Saint Benedict the Thaumaturge, we recognise that providing quality education to children is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic investment in the future of our nation. This investment, though it may not yield immediate returns, is a crucial step towards a brighter future. By providing quality educational opportunities to children, we empower them to unlock their full potential and shape a brighter future for themselves and their communities. Education is their best weapon against impoverishment, disease, early marriage, gang activities, and prostitution, and it’s a long-term investment in the prosperity of our nation.
Education is a powerful tool that not only empowers women but also inspires and supports gender equality. At Develop Africa, we believe in the transformative power of education, which can mean the difference between a healthy, long life or an unfortunately short one. By supporting education, we can help women break from oppressive gender roles and contribute more significantly to society, creating a more just and prosperous society for all.

Donate unwanted items

We need your unwanted items, nothing is small.

If you have anything, please think of someone who could use it. We can confirm that if a person thinks it is rubbish, another person thinks it is a treasure. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at 00447540419209.

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